Hall of Fame: Survival
Welcome to the Survival Hall of Fame! As a part of Fruit Servers donation, the Hall Of Fame showcases the members of the highest three donor ranks known as the Fruit Elite. This is to show our appreciation to the wonderful community who have donated as it enables Fruit Servers to keep running smoothly and allows us to continue to release exciting content!
Our Fruit Elite ranks are
FruitNinja - $101 to $200
FruitGod - $201 to $400
FruitTitan - $401 +
Like how there cannot be light without darkness, the Fruit-Ninja's are faithful and enthusiastic 'behind-the-scenes' followers within the Fruit Servers Community.
Note: All donors have been sorted lexicographically, click the tabs to see donor names!
Donor Names:
00pickle00 | 2tonegold | 69Prodigy | 921314666 |
AbolishedAngel | Ace1928 | ActiveJainNode | Afrorunner | aishiterubhaby |
Akollo | Alilit | alrightNic | Alstro | Al_Fresko |
Amaara | AnAlphaLonzy | Andoscafe | andyyd | Angrytubbie |
Animecrazer | Arnold_ | Ash_Vanille | Asplshofcitrus | Asprovazypeeaa |
Assassin51p | Atinev | AussieCucumber | AussZee | AxolotlFood |
Aya_himura | A_Sneaky_Ninja | Ba3b | baconmecrazy666 | BADDALAMA |
Bailysteve | Barbsz | Barnabel | Bdmj | beamstriker22 |
BeBlaze | BelcherMC | bellahrose | BEN_Drowned | Berberberb |
BestSupportEver | BetaHawk | Bigbrothunda | BigBroThunda | BilboSwagginzz_ |
BinarySearchTree | Binkies_ | BL0BVIS | Blank124 | blaze006a |
Blissfulx | BlueSteelAU | Bob0891 | Bossi02 | Brazed |
Brewliicious | Brownbadger92 | Bubblegumpurple | BuffyBoom | Bulk_Bogan |
Bunnybee0 | BusyBeesKnees | C0nan5466 | Canitbeanything | Canofkungfu |
carloso154 | Carrier | catboyzurui | cbanksy97 | cedarofgod |
ChaboiiMax | charzmander | Cheememe | Chicnfingr | Chloeisaperson |
Chocolate_Tang | Co0kie1998 | Communtiy | Coolfis | Corindiclose |
Cpc | cr1tikal_attack | CrabbMan128 | Crazyaidos | CrazyNugget11 |
Crimpy | Crumpini | CtrlSaltDlt | CurlyWurl | CutenessLoadingx |
Cxrruption_ | Cyroq | dadjokemachine | Daedelus82 | Daemondark |
Daldo123 | DangerouslyHyper | danieladdon | Dank_Harvest | DaPoohbear142 |
dark000 | DarkNovation | Dazzagc | DeathEvader | DecoyDesignz |
Defynd | DepressedLemur | Derzma | Devilgamer4039 | Dex |
DiamondPirate | Dissonantia | DissyDwarf | dktk | Dolphinlover_xx |
Domliness | DomoArigato | Donk3y_ | Donty | Dovestar2 |
DraggoInTheFlesh | DreamOnSunshine | Drousii | DuchessLilly | dwarfer198 |
Dynamete | Echelon216A | elekitty | Ellenox | EmDeLaCreme |
EpicRPG | ereol | Erlkonnig | Euphoriella | Evilgblades |
EvilRaiser | ExBaldyUser | ExcaliburAU | ExtraRam | EZ420 |
F3ralwombat | FangedDragon382 | Fantale | Fatlan30 | FeebleFrosty |
Feerny | Felds420 | FInding_Shiro | Finnikin | FlickaThyWrist |
Foiboy_ | Freazerr | FreshTetley | Fritz_ |
Gabri3lla | Gemiox | Gex44 | Gingerniblet | Goatwolf |
Gqafqewqw | GremlinFae | Groak | gtxrazer | Gylfmeister |
hakunamatata0805 | Hanoriem | Hastorz | HavEair | Heaters08 |
HellBlessed | Hicccupps | HIPSHAKER | Hodgey_99 | HomelessSnail |
HoneyL | HydraHydra69 | Icey42 | iChooseMew | iFlames |
iiMagicHD | Imanomster | ImpatientWalrus | Indents | IndigoSTN |
itsjupiterx | ItsMeVikkstar123 | itsRYNO | Itsvaleriiev | ItsZenno |
ItzShmulik | IXXX_scopez | Jacobcurrie | Jakstar19 | JazzCat23 |
JDEndure | JerichoUno | Je_d | jlawillis | Jmalc |
Joelsky_io | johnoduce | joker_pirate | JotnarMare45 | jstee51 |
JuicyFlu | Just_Cody | KageJinx | Kaidem1 | Kailee |
Kairinezz | Kalliee_ | Karbs | Kavemxn | Kayl2128_ |
keiruame | Kelseypw | Kempy__ | Kewish | KingCleeb |
KizzleDaNizzle | Klarq | Knaves | KOCCMOCC | Kris171 |
Krmudcrab | Kroxxigar | KryptzAu | Kukki_AU | Kuote |
Kurai_yuki | Kurogane_BK201 | Lazsaruzs | lceCoffee | Leefnut |
LemonLemq | Lemonszz | LeSildor | Le_Commandant | le__timmeh |
Lightbourne | LilQuti | lil_zizi_ | LimboAU | LimeFizzz |
Loopsyy | Lopiy69 | Lord8Ball | Lord_Dawn | Loreleii |
Losho | Los_Corruptos | Louisouler | Lovelyduckling05 | Loweya |
lucast431 | Lui | Lupush | Lvesck | lvlSOAR |
Maagnetik | Maddness4 | MadReeper | Magekipz | MagicBlockMom |
Mai_Pie | Maplespot | MarbleSuna | MarleyWantCoffee | mart1n_2006 |
MasterOllington | Matapang | Mattymatmat9 | Maverick826 | Mavinnn |
MegadorkVikki | Meloonnn | Mennelaus | Mentalnutcase95 | Michael_John |
Milkwebs | MiNombre | Mio_Senpai | MirranM | Mirraxsis |
MissCassie93 | MissGigglezz | Misspiggy95 | Mitch1002 | Miyukicuddles |
Modestyy | Morge68 | MrBearXD | Mreynoso725 | MrMininja |
MyBoyStefan | MYSTERY_PANTS007 | Naltrons | Narima | Natjat |
NattNatt | Nebulous_Draco | NeoBishes | nightmarehdj | Nikcrazyivan69 |
NikitaRose | NonsenseBen | NoTargetGaming | NotMarshmello | NotoriousRiddler |
NotYaBoiSound | NoxGrim | Nsumar | Nutellah | N_equals_8 |
Oeuq | oEv0ke | Offchops1345 | Officer_Turtle | Oko |
olibvwr | OnlyCrafters | oqth | Orbit79 | Osh_Suncurser |
oTaine | OumaShuu1 | PandaKZ | PapaBearPhoenix | PaperCactus22 |
Papikrile | PappieSnapps | ParkinsonDisease | PeachShark | Peachypoppy |
Pillowhead_ | Polymorphh | Pompei122 | PooPeeFartHead | Pringleking123 |
Professor_Korrok | punksten | Pyrotato_ | Quackaz | Qumpie |
rAdsum | RainbowJackk | Rainbow_Kyurem | Raine_Fury | RangryRedbeard |
RaptorTWiked | raqus | RebornIV | ReconBastion | Rectangle |
RedAlert_007 | RedDevil78 | Regalien | Remex_ | Ribenabeary |
RickiiBaker | rnewt24101 | RogueCrab23 | Roiley | RonaldWeebley |
RookieByDesign | Rumpletiltskin_ | RuthlessRaiding | Safetyvro | SageBanks |
Salmonella_Act | Sammy420 | Sarahsoph | Sarmads | Sasi974cheese |
SassyAssassin | Scalooosh | ScorpionSeven | ScottZap | Scott_Davo |
seineskies | Serpynt | Serrine21 | SethJB_ | Sev_mc |
SGTFATBOII | Shadowolf07 | ShadoWoman504 | Shakoda | Shark7_11 |
Sharkdepth | Shawdow0979 | Shibo_Okami | Shifter02 | Shisuiuhicha |
Si8ht | SignificantTang | Silver_Kitty21 | SimpleDF | Sin1ster_ |
SirSpectr | Sitback | Skaleighlee_ | Sketch_yyy | Skouii |
Skuce_ | Skyd1ddy | Slayerslyth2 | Slumptality | smeehhh |
SmitePlayer88 | smol_inky | SoggyBiscuit_ | Soooapa | Sorr0wSkys12 |
Sparkly_Bubble | Sparling | Spartan94 | SpasticPiggy | SplashLord |
SpookyPrism | Squigglyarms | StardustNebulae | Starstrikerzz | StayToasTi |
StayTropical | Steel_OverMetal | StoicThorn | Stolly | Storms_heavy |
Strelizia77 | StuffAndNonsense | Sunto | Sup3rAJ | Supergamerjo |
Supernight176 | Svmc | SwayZah | SylarGFF |
T1nym0us3 | TacticalACE | TaiwanBestPlayer | Taryyn | Tashikana |
Tatish | TB_ | Tebore | TEJ44Y | TemperBro |
Te_TaLeXx1 | TheGoldenGhast | TheGoldenGhast | TheMoJo200 | TheMonka |
TheWhiteHornet | The_Hunter | The_originality | Thorns83 | ThunderJaw01 |
Thundop | Times93 | TimlessKings | TioNcoT | Tjtol |
ToadWar | Tommyommy | TorTor99 | Toruous_Tort | TPMEZ |
Troxlord | Trunkzi | Tyler1734 | UglyDuckling182 | Ultima_XIV |
UniformShop | V0rty | Valkire | ValkyrieRa2 | Vandareth |
Varakai | vBeemo | Vedia_ | Victoriangirl001 | Wangergou |
Wanshi_no_neko | Warfey_ | Weiq | Whitecuriouslion | WhoHearsAHorton1 |
Wibp | Wiggzie_ | willowwastakenn | Wolfeeeyyyy | WolfyGrrl |
Wooliess | Xaaali | xbreejayx | xCharbel | Xmas |
xMav | xMrYoshi | XoshawottX | xRedPanda__ | xSieun |
xXkillerjasXx | xXMysticPixelXx | Xx_KILLR_xX | Y1ng | YourBoyScotty |
Zecticuth | Zelorium | ZerouxDeaths | Zerphoid | Zexxyon |
Zorack8 | Zsielous | Zygomax | Zywebii | Zzeppezz |
_aetherx | _Artemis1 | _Autumn_Rain | _Duckyy__ | _Julep |
_Kreeture_ | _Xiae | ____Snow____ |
The Devoted Followers of the Fruit-God's are only one step away from achieving greatness.
Note: All donors have been sorted lexicographically, click the tabs to see donor names!
Donor Names:
0Shuvi0 | 1PLY | 6trix |
Abropt | AgentAceX | AgentDaxon | AgonisingPeach | AlecoPap |
aleecha | AlisonPoints2 | AliWali | AltMashie | Alton_Tosscobble |
Amayonnaise | AngryPlayDoh | Anton_87 | Arta_Mr_Bean | auzgoo |
AxolotlFood | Bananapielord121 | bandit_king69 | Bang1324 | BarneyCools |
Bella_Delphine | be_happy99910 | BigNGoofy | BigStinkyMonkey | Bilfr3d |
Blessheal | bottle_top | bradywadywoo | Bread_Cat | Breaking_Rad |
Brekkie | BRI73Y | BronosBittys | Budddi | camnormo |
camz98 | Chedyy | Chippy56 | Chippy56 | Chunklidh |
Chxcolxte | Cinnemabun | Clankyy | coolbananas | Coolcats9 |
CoolVictor2002 | CourserYT | Crusadez | Cuddly_ | Cupiid |
curiosify | CurseHex | DaffyFluck | Dakoa | DatRayRay |
Dedetee | Dex | Dusked_ | D_weebs | Effusive |
Endelasia | Eonasio | Etherrc | Evangelicabyss | Exploding_roses |
ExpressoYourself | Fadez_Senpai | FallenHexAngel | Fearthefairy | FenceGates |
FestiveHoe | fkncasual | Flasssshhhhhh | Flonger | FoofyDesu |
Freeze_kami |
GamePodTV | GG_WP | Ghunna | Ginngerr | GodfreysVacuums |
GoneInsaneNZ | Grizzy_ | grrrrrrr | h0yz | Hadaru |
HaydsGumby | HazelHayden | HeyItsMoss | Homiehugz | hotnuggies |
Hxiong | HYBRID2k | iDontDDoS | iiTzThatAsian | Incoherent |
Ipoodalittle | iRblu3z | ItsMyaLee | Jacinta_Wolf692 | Jacko992 |
Jadeosggeti | JamesIZhazha | Jasper_Gamer | Jellyman1301 | JordoTheEpic |
Katnaka | kavazy | KawaiiChan313 | Killer_dolphinMC | KnoZiggeh |
Kovic | Kplus2 | KrustyKrumpet | Kyzaah | Kzxo500 |
LABAZWHERE | LIM1T | LittleNova | littlx_queen | Llittle |
LOCKYCURRIE | Lonash | Lop21 | Lowely_Servant | LuciferLyte |
Lunatella | Luvenia |
MaccaDriveThru | Madi_wonder | Malzi | mars1bar | McDukk_57 |
Meedie | meLo885 | Mexicandorito | Mikreneej | MinexPRO |
Minyza | MissMeredy | MoshDawg_ | MrIVlazor | MrS |
myallakid | NamllaEcyrb | NiukiFox | Nix_Ruinam | NotARealGuy |
NotFocusd | Nureem | Ocardb | OoooooWeeeeee | Owllyy |
PaidMiner | Palleaon | Palrwalr | Pandora102 | Pendu1uM265 |
PentX_ | PersonalityH | Pi_Potatoeman | Potatoecanman | Primas |
PurgatoryPanda | Quant3fy | Quicksilver | Ranktonious | Raviolii_ |
RimRamTimTam | Rivyn111 | Robyrn | Ronkley | Saneprince |
Seea_Starfalling | Semniux | Serestra | Sharksy | Sheep29_ |
shivelry | ShowerSceneINK | Sienna_Iz_Me | SilverDeviluke | SilverDireWolf34 |
SimplexDesigns | Sleapy | SleepyWhyy | SMALLSHOES | smileLIKEaDOnut |
Snowpeaa | SoapMctavish | Sonataw | soulessdeath | Splinterz_MC |
Spocks_Socks | Spooklan773 | SpoopyOak9422 | St0rey4 | StabbyInc |
Stenz_ | stu91 | Stylish |
Tamazhii | TankedPizza | TempestFever | Terra_morphous | That_One |
thebryceD | thegreatimac | TheGuyFromLost | TheSilentKnight_ | TheSilvaEyedWolf_ |
thlingo | Timotheuster | Tiny_chris | TomBigBoy123 | TommyLongShlong |
TorchWood305 | Tunrida_Fenriz | Typhooon | UnsaintedDuality | Vainesy |
VaniishG | VAYZI23 | Vic61 | Vzolty | Waktool |
Wezo93 | WildBorr | Xanti0us | Xaroth | Xeiich |
xLaZx | xRainbowMonkiex | XSUGARISMX | Xurumi | YerDatsRight |
YungDagger101 | ZakXXXX | Zalan2991 | Zeusiee | Zisdabom |
Zsdfs | Zyger | _Bluey | _Duckeyy_ | _Garmonbozia_ |
_Jasta | _MegaMilk_ | _SJLee_ | __Milliexx__ |
The Ultimate Title to achieve in-game! This is awarded to the truly dedicated and enthused players of our server.
Note: All donors have been sorted lexicographically, click the tabs to see donor names!
Donor Names:
17hmr243 |
Aaron192 | Acaciiaa | adevilsflame | AdzZman | Ahtnamas80 |
AllSignsPoint2 | Altdun | andyyd | Anya_Nees | Apocalypsing |
Archades | arda77 | AZAKAI | B0GGSY | B3N0199 |
BalvornLupus | BarbequedBaby | Bayleecraft | bboychris168 | billerr |
BIRDIEESSS | birmas | BlackChevyImpala | Blackflame36 | Blackrexy |
Bloo | BlueCharmRS | Blueybel | blxssing | BraceAlliance |
Brekfst | Brett_Moo | Briezyy | BuckWild_ | Bunnyyx |
Bupteddie | Buttjamint | Caaarebearr | Cahms | Callicil |
Cartoon_Spatula | Cascade_Isle | catboytysqi | ChaosNTerror | Cheesemelt |
Choco_eClaire | ChromeError404 | ClassyDestroyer | Coconuq | Coggo |
Condalicious | Coopa96 | Cowskin | Crezzie | CrimsonSkie |
Cupid | Cursed_Kaiser | Cytoke | Daashyy | daddycornz |
Dazisbored | DeffsNotBK | DemiLordTamara | Demski | demskilsMad |
DiamonMaster98 | Dimensius | Dingbatcatacorn | Distractible | DISTROBEAST |
Djclarkie11 | Dolphin993 | Dongers_ | Dory7 | DoubleHP |
DrCorgiPHD | Dreado | Dualmode | DuccQuacc | Dust0s |
eBaySupport | Enchies | Eshaayv2 | Finchyman96 | Fishnut363 |
Frailghost | Freezingle | FruitBotLovesYou |
GarpTheFist | Geckosplat | gex43 | GiricDeGrey | givebeugs |
godzjuicebox | Griffon_Master | GrImReApEr_1990 | Grizzy_ | gxoku |
Handyman_Sam | Hawkzeh | HeadLouse | HiluxPrincess | Hordern |
HuggableDuckling | huq_ | I3lueangel | iGoner | IHasArms124 |
Illuumii | Imnotyourmother | Inspired_Doom | Inxrio | ipoodalittle |
IshukRahl | ItsYaBoiSound | ItzVolc | iVibin | jak5069 |
JAKOBXD26 | JamTam | Jaredv98 | Jemny | JimboJones98 |
Jmaan1225Ron | Jovials | Jyln | K4n3_ | Karbzee |
KawaGuardian | Kenchi_haturo | KFC_Australia | Lagoonaa | lakelan774 |
lceMocha | Leak_RS | Legendary_Brince | LeMoNDays_ | LifeOfBlu |
Liowenex | Lixo_ | Lobster148 | LockOn55 | Loqzii |
Mango_kun | Marius_Wittouck | Marnifen | MateA78 | Meatl0afer |
Melongrip | Memmie_ | Merovingan | Mobbmaster | Monkitteh |
Morse_Code | MrSandal | Mr_night_ | NaaTilly | Naf2k |
Nataliie_ | NathBeans | nattjack | Nedrich | NGGSoulStopper |
NoBeef | Noogie19 | Not_Ethnic | OCE_Supernova | Off1ine |
OfficiallyJacob | OfficiallyJacob2 | Ogge886 | OGMemberBerries | OhSkrrrt |
Onyxic | OZcrafter | Ozmaydius | PancakeMaddie | Pandi_ |
pcjackson100 | Phantom_Onyx | Pixerative | plug400 | PoshKid |
PotassiumDOT | PPG4LIFE | princesspoppy2 | qtZer0 | QuimaxHD |
Ravo161 | Rayder44 | RealJcPotato | Reaper | redquartz |
Red_XIII | Renpai03 | Revalore | RhedaWarrior | RhysMcClucken |
robotninjamonkeys | RohDawg | RustyDagger | RySci | SacredShad0w |
Sai7 | Sarianos | sarmads | Scottteh | ScottyDont318 |
Scrublord_cbf | SDreaver01 | Sekban | ShadowOwl | Shaunzz_ |
Siliconne | Silverspray | Simplidh | Sin_J | SirLysander |
SirNoxxic | Sir_Goky | Sir_Kelikai | Sir_Puddin | Sir_Pudrin |
Skye_lary | SlushLion | SnickidySnak | Snowgies | SoFriendly |
SouthernMama717 | Spexi_Neon | Spike_M | Spleggeti | Sponkley |
SSPatches | St0nkatr0n | StashOfSeeds | Static58 | Stiiiiillllll |
stockerz | Sugar_Bunnie | SuperstitiousGT |
Tea_Rexxy | Telibboy | Terriken | Teterine | thatfemaledragon |
The88thMidnight | TheEllie | TheGoodLordAbove | TheKasa | TheNaomi |
TheOGTommo | The_duke64 | The_KingKyle | ThinkGeek_ | Tialis |
TickleTehPickle | Timahh13 | TIMISH | Timmmay2011 | Tinariem |
Tinariem | ToopsHigher | Trewology | tysqie | Uncaged4x4 |
Vallkyrrie | Vexatious_ | vKingsGlaive | Vyper_Bear | WakenNBaken |
WeebLord_XD | Whitelisted6 | WittyQuip | Wolfette85 | xCurlyFry |
xPrinc3ssP3ach | xtha | xXJuicyMelonXx | Xx_powpow19_xX | YaBoiGoodStuff |
YoloTomoki | Youngbloods | YourSilentEnvy | Z0MB11_ | ZacT94 |
Zandara_8 | Zeldagod1352 | Zuruii | Zynthic | zzDeathGodzz |
_Achilles1 | _BlueFlame_ | _Mwah_ | _nck991_ | _scuffles |
Do you have one of these ranks?
Make sure to send LceMocha a mail in-game using /mail send (name) to add your name to the Fruit Survival Hall of Fame!