Fruit Servers Wiki
Fruit Servers Wiki

Hall of Fame: Survival

Welcome to the Survival Hall of Fame! As a part of Fruit Servers donation, the Hall Of Fame showcases the members of the highest three donor ranks known as the Fruit Elite. This is to show our appreciation to the wonderful community who have donated as it enables Fruit Servers to keep running smoothly and allows us to continue to release exciting content!

Our Fruit Elite ranks are

FruitNinja - $101 to $200

FruitGod - $201 to $400

FruitTitan - $401 +


Like how there cannot be light without darkness, the Fruit-Ninja's are faithful and enthusiastic 'behind-the-scenes' followers within the Fruit Servers Community.
Note: All donors have been sorted lexicographically, click the tabs to see donor names!

Donor Names:

00pickle00 2tonegold 69Prodigy 921314666

AbolishedAngel Ace1928 ActiveJainNode Afrorunner aishiterubhaby
Akollo Alilit alrightNic Alstro Al_Fresko
Amaara AnAlphaLonzy Andoscafe andyyd Angrytubbie
Animecrazer Arnold_ Ash_Vanille Asplshofcitrus Asprovazypeeaa
Assassin51p Atinev AussieCucumber AussZee AxolotlFood
Aya_himura A_Sneaky_Ninja Ba3b baconmecrazy666 BADDALAMA
Bailysteve Barbsz Barnabel Bdmj beamstriker22
BeBlaze BelcherMC bellahrose BEN_Drowned Berberberb
BestSupportEver BetaHawk Bigbrothunda BigBroThunda BilboSwagginzz_
BinarySearchTree Binkies_ BL0BVIS Blank124 blaze006a
Blissfulx BlueSteelAU Bob0891 Bossi02 Brazed
Brewliicious Brownbadger92 Bubblegumpurple BuffyBoom Bulk_Bogan
Bunnybee0 BusyBeesKnees C0nan5466 Canitbeanything Canofkungfu
carloso154 Carrier catboyzurui cbanksy97 cedarofgod
ChaboiiMax charzmander Cheememe Chicnfingr Chloeisaperson
Chocolate_Tang Co0kie1998 Communtiy Coolfis Corindiclose
Cpc cr1tikal_attack CrabbMan128 Crazyaidos CrazyNugget11
Crimpy Crumpini CtrlSaltDlt CurlyWurl CutenessLoadingx
Cxrruption_ Cyroq dadjokemachine Daedelus82 Daemondark
Daldo123 DangerouslyHyper danieladdon Dank_Harvest DaPoohbear142
dark000 DarkNovation Dazzagc DeathEvader DecoyDesignz
Defynd DepressedLemur Derzma Devilgamer4039 Dex
DiamondPirate Dissonantia DissyDwarf dktk Dolphinlover_xx
Domliness DomoArigato Donk3y_ Donty Dovestar2
DraggoInTheFlesh DreamOnSunshine Drousii DuchessLilly dwarfer198
Dynamete Echelon216A elekitty Ellenox EmDeLaCreme
EpicRPG ereol Erlkonnig Euphoriella Evilgblades
EvilRaiser ExBaldyUser ExcaliburAU ExtraRam EZ420
F3ralwombat FangedDragon382 Fantale Fatlan30 FeebleFrosty
Feerny Felds420 FInding_Shiro Finnikin FlickaThyWrist
Foiboy_ Freazerr FreshTetley Fritz_

Gabri3lla Gemiox Gex44 Gingerniblet Goatwolf
Gqafqewqw GremlinFae Groak gtxrazer Gylfmeister
hakunamatata0805 Hanoriem Hastorz HavEair Heaters08
HellBlessed Hicccupps HIPSHAKER Hodgey_99 HomelessSnail
HoneyL HydraHydra69 Icey42 iChooseMew iFlames
iiMagicHD Imanomster ImpatientWalrus Indents IndigoSTN
itsjupiterx ItsMeVikkstar123 itsRYNO Itsvaleriiev ItsZenno
ItzShmulik IXXX_scopez Jacobcurrie Jakstar19 JazzCat23
JDEndure JerichoUno Je_d jlawillis Jmalc
Joelsky_io johnoduce joker_pirate JotnarMare45 jstee51
JuicyFlu Just_Cody KageJinx Kaidem1 Kailee
Kairinezz Kalliee_ Karbs Kavemxn Kayl2128_
keiruame Kelseypw Kempy__ Kewish KingCleeb
KizzleDaNizzle Klarq Knaves KOCCMOCC Kris171
Krmudcrab Kroxxigar KryptzAu Kukki_AU Kuote
Kurai_yuki Kurogane_BK201 Lazsaruzs lceCoffee Leefnut
LemonLemq Lemonszz LeSildor Le_Commandant le__timmeh
Lightbourne LilQuti lil_zizi_ LimboAU LimeFizzz
Loopsyy Lopiy69 Lord8Ball Lord_Dawn Loreleii
Losho Los_Corruptos Louisouler Lovelyduckling05 Loweya
lucast431 Lui Lupush Lvesck lvlSOAR

Maagnetik Maddness4 MadReeper Magekipz MagicBlockMom
Mai_Pie Maplespot MarbleSuna MarleyWantCoffee mart1n_2006
MasterOllington Matapang Mattymatmat9 Maverick826 Mavinnn
MegadorkVikki Meloonnn Mennelaus Mentalnutcase95 Michael_John
Milkwebs MiNombre Mio_Senpai MirranM Mirraxsis
MissCassie93 MissGigglezz Misspiggy95 Mitch1002 Miyukicuddles
Modestyy Morge68 MrBearXD Mreynoso725 MrMininja
MyBoyStefan MYSTERY_PANTS007 Naltrons Narima Natjat
NattNatt Nebulous_Draco NeoBishes nightmarehdj Nikcrazyivan69
NikitaRose NonsenseBen NoTargetGaming NotMarshmello NotoriousRiddler
NotYaBoiSound NoxGrim Nsumar Nutellah N_equals_8
Oeuq oEv0ke Offchops1345 Officer_Turtle Oko
olibvwr OnlyCrafters oqth Orbit79 Osh_Suncurser
oTaine OumaShuu1 PandaKZ PapaBearPhoenix PaperCactus22
Papikrile PappieSnapps ParkinsonDisease PeachShark Peachypoppy
Pillowhead_ Polymorphh Pompei122 PooPeeFartHead Pringleking123
Professor_Korrok punksten Pyrotato_ Quackaz Qumpie
rAdsum RainbowJackk Rainbow_Kyurem Raine_Fury RangryRedbeard
RaptorTWiked raqus RebornIV ReconBastion Rectangle
RedAlert_007 RedDevil78 Regalien Remex_ Ribenabeary
RickiiBaker rnewt24101 RogueCrab23 Roiley RonaldWeebley
RookieByDesign Rumpletiltskin_ RuthlessRaiding Safetyvro SageBanks
Salmonella_Act Sammy420 Sarahsoph Sarmads Sasi974cheese
SassyAssassin Scalooosh ScorpionSeven ScottZap Scott_Davo
seineskies Serpynt Serrine21 SethJB_ Sev_mc
SGTFATBOII Shadowolf07 ShadoWoman504 Shakoda Shark7_11
Sharkdepth Shawdow0979 Shibo_Okami Shifter02 Shisuiuhicha
Si8ht SignificantTang Silver_Kitty21 SimpleDF Sin1ster_
SirSpectr Sitback Skaleighlee_ Sketch_yyy Skouii
Skuce_ Skyd1ddy Slayerslyth2 Slumptality smeehhh
SmitePlayer88 smol_inky SoggyBiscuit_ Soooapa Sorr0wSkys12
Sparkly_Bubble Sparling Spartan94 SpasticPiggy SplashLord
SpookyPrism Squigglyarms StardustNebulae Starstrikerzz StayToasTi
StayTropical Steel_OverMetal StoicThorn Stolly Storms_heavy
Strelizia77 StuffAndNonsense Sunto Sup3rAJ Supergamerjo
Supernight176 Svmc SwayZah SylarGFF

T1nym0us3 TacticalACE TaiwanBestPlayer Taryyn Tashikana
Tatish TB_ Tebore TEJ44Y TemperBro
Te_TaLeXx1 TheGoldenGhast TheGoldenGhast TheMoJo200 TheMonka
TheWhiteHornet The_Hunter The_originality Thorns83 ThunderJaw01
Thundop Times93 TimlessKings TioNcoT Tjtol
ToadWar Tommyommy TorTor99 Toruous_Tort TPMEZ
Troxlord Trunkzi Tyler1734 UglyDuckling182 Ultima_XIV
UniformShop V0rty Valkire ValkyrieRa2 Vandareth
Varakai vBeemo Vedia_ Victoriangirl001 Wangergou
Wanshi_no_neko Warfey_ Weiq Whitecuriouslion WhoHearsAHorton1
Wibp Wiggzie_ willowwastakenn Wolfeeeyyyy WolfyGrrl
Wooliess Xaaali xbreejayx xCharbel Xmas
xMav xMrYoshi XoshawottX xRedPanda__ xSieun
xXkillerjasXx xXMysticPixelXx Xx_KILLR_xX Y1ng YourBoyScotty
Zecticuth Zelorium ZerouxDeaths Zerphoid Zexxyon
Zorack8 Zsielous Zygomax Zywebii Zzeppezz
_aetherx _Artemis1 _Autumn_Rain _Duckyy__ _Julep
_Kreeture_ _Xiae ____Snow____


The Devoted Followers of the Fruit-God's are only one step away from achieving greatness.
Note: All donors have been sorted lexicographically, click the tabs to see donor names!

Donor Names:

0Shuvi0 1PLY 6trix

Abropt AgentAceX AgentDaxon AgonisingPeach AlecoPap
aleecha AlisonPoints2 AliWali AltMashie Alton_Tosscobble
Amayonnaise AngryPlayDoh Anton_87 Arta_Mr_Bean auzgoo
AxolotlFood Bananapielord121 bandit_king69 Bang1324 BarneyCools
Bella_Delphine be_happy99910 BigNGoofy BigStinkyMonkey Bilfr3d
Blessheal bottle_top bradywadywoo Bread_Cat Breaking_Rad
Brekkie BRI73Y BronosBittys Budddi camnormo
camz98 Chedyy Chippy56 Chippy56 Chunklidh
Chxcolxte Cinnemabun Clankyy coolbananas Coolcats9
CoolVictor2002 CourserYT Crusadez Cuddly_ Cupiid
curiosify CurseHex DaffyFluck Dakoa DatRayRay
Dedetee Dex Dusked_ D_weebs Effusive
Endelasia Eonasio Etherrc Evangelicabyss Exploding_roses
ExpressoYourself Fadez_Senpai FallenHexAngel Fearthefairy FenceGates
FestiveHoe fkncasual Flasssshhhhhh Flonger FoofyDesu

GamePodTV GG_WP Ghunna Ginngerr GodfreysVacuums
GoneInsaneNZ Grizzy_ grrrrrrr h0yz Hadaru
HaydsGumby HazelHayden HeyItsMoss Homiehugz hotnuggies
Hxiong HYBRID2k iDontDDoS iiTzThatAsian Incoherent
Ipoodalittle iRblu3z ItsMyaLee Jacinta_Wolf692 Jacko992
Jadeosggeti JamesIZhazha Jasper_Gamer Jellyman1301 JordoTheEpic
Katnaka kavazy KawaiiChan313 Killer_dolphinMC KnoZiggeh
Kovic Kplus2 KrustyKrumpet Kyzaah Kzxo500
LABAZWHERE LIM1T LittleNova littlx_queen Llittle
LOCKYCURRIE Lonash Lop21 Lowely_Servant LuciferLyte
Lunatella Luvenia

MaccaDriveThru Madi_wonder Malzi mars1bar McDukk_57
Meedie meLo885 Mexicandorito Mikreneej MinexPRO
Minyza MissMeredy MoshDawg_ MrIVlazor MrS
myallakid NamllaEcyrb NiukiFox Nix_Ruinam NotARealGuy
NotFocusd Nureem Ocardb OoooooWeeeeee Owllyy
PaidMiner Palleaon Palrwalr Pandora102 Pendu1uM265
PentX_ PersonalityH Pi_Potatoeman Potatoecanman Primas
PurgatoryPanda Quant3fy Quicksilver Ranktonious Raviolii_
RimRamTimTam Rivyn111 Robyrn Ronkley Saneprince
Seea_Starfalling Semniux Serestra Sharksy Sheep29_
shivelry ShowerSceneINK Sienna_Iz_Me SilverDeviluke SilverDireWolf34
SimplexDesigns Sleapy SleepyWhyy SMALLSHOES smileLIKEaDOnut
Snowpeaa SoapMctavish Sonataw soulessdeath Splinterz_MC
Spocks_Socks Spooklan773 SpoopyOak9422 St0rey4 StabbyInc
Stenz_ stu91 Stylish

Tamazhii TankedPizza TempestFever Terra_morphous That_One
thebryceD thegreatimac TheGuyFromLost TheSilentKnight_ TheSilvaEyedWolf_
thlingo Timotheuster Tiny_chris TomBigBoy123 TommyLongShlong
TorchWood305 Tunrida_Fenriz Typhooon UnsaintedDuality Vainesy
VaniishG VAYZI23 Vic61 Vzolty Waktool
Wezo93 WildBorr Xanti0us Xaroth Xeiich
xLaZx xRainbowMonkiex XSUGARISMX Xurumi YerDatsRight
YungDagger101 ZakXXXX Zalan2991 Zeusiee Zisdabom
Zsdfs Zyger _Bluey _Duckeyy_ _Garmonbozia_
_Jasta _MegaMilk_ _SJLee_ __Milliexx__


The Ultimate Title to achieve in-game! This is awarded to the truly dedicated and enthused players of our server.
Note: All donors have been sorted lexicographically, click the tabs to see donor names!

Donor Names:


Aaron192 Acaciiaa adevilsflame AdzZman Ahtnamas80
AllSignsPoint2 Altdun andyyd Anya_Nees Apocalypsing
Archades arda77 AZAKAI B0GGSY B3N0199
BalvornLupus BarbequedBaby Bayleecraft bboychris168 billerr
BIRDIEESSS birmas BlackChevyImpala Blackflame36 Blackrexy
Bloo BlueCharmRS Blueybel blxssing BraceAlliance
Brekfst Brett_Moo Briezyy BuckWild_ Bunnyyx
Bupteddie Buttjamint Caaarebearr Cahms Callicil
Cartoon_Spatula Cascade_Isle catboytysqi ChaosNTerror Cheesemelt
Choco_eClaire ChromeError404 ClassyDestroyer Coconuq Coggo
Condalicious Coopa96 Cowskin Crezzie CrimsonSkie
Cupid Cursed_Kaiser Cytoke Daashyy daddycornz
Dazisbored DeffsNotBK DemiLordTamara Demski demskilsMad
DiamonMaster98 Dimensius Dingbatcatacorn Distractible DISTROBEAST
Djclarkie11 Dolphin993 Dongers_ Dory7 DoubleHP
DrCorgiPHD Dreado Dualmode DuccQuacc Dust0s
eBaySupport Enchies Eshaayv2 Finchyman96 Fishnut363
Frailghost Freezingle FruitBotLovesYou

GarpTheFist Geckosplat gex43 GiricDeGrey givebeugs
godzjuicebox Griffon_Master GrImReApEr_1990 Grizzy_ gxoku
Handyman_Sam Hawkzeh HeadLouse HiluxPrincess Hordern
HuggableDuckling huq_ I3lueangel iGoner IHasArms124
Illuumii Imnotyourmother Inspired_Doom Inxrio ipoodalittle
IshukRahl ItsYaBoiSound ItzVolc iVibin jak5069
JAKOBXD26 JamTam Jaredv98 Jemny JimboJones98
Jmaan1225Ron Jovials Jyln K4n3_ Karbzee
KawaGuardian Kenchi_haturo KFC_Australia Lagoonaa lakelan774
lceMocha Leak_RS Legendary_Brince LeMoNDays_ LifeOfBlu
Liowenex Lixo_ Lobster148 LockOn55 Loqzii

Mango_kun Marius_Wittouck Marnifen MateA78 Meatl0afer
Melongrip Memmie_ Merovingan Mobbmaster Monkitteh
Morse_Code MrSandal Mr_night_ NaaTilly Naf2k
Nataliie_ NathBeans nattjack Nedrich NGGSoulStopper
NoBeef Noogie19 Not_Ethnic OCE_Supernova Off1ine
OfficiallyJacob OfficiallyJacob2 Ogge886 OGMemberBerries OhSkrrrt
Onyxic OZcrafter Ozmaydius PancakeMaddie Pandi_
pcjackson100 Phantom_Onyx Pixerative plug400 PoshKid
PotassiumDOT PPG4LIFE princesspoppy2 qtZer0 QuimaxHD
Ravo161 Rayder44 RealJcPotato Reaper redquartz
Red_XIII Renpai03 Revalore RhedaWarrior RhysMcClucken
robotninjamonkeys RohDawg RustyDagger RySci SacredShad0w
Sai7 Sarianos sarmads Scottteh ScottyDont318
Scrublord_cbf SDreaver01 Sekban ShadowOwl Shaunzz_
Siliconne Silverspray Simplidh Sin_J SirLysander
SirNoxxic Sir_Goky Sir_Kelikai Sir_Puddin Sir_Pudrin
Skye_lary SlushLion SnickidySnak Snowgies SoFriendly
SouthernMama717 Spexi_Neon Spike_M Spleggeti Sponkley
SSPatches St0nkatr0n StashOfSeeds Static58 Stiiiiillllll
stockerz Sugar_Bunnie SuperstitiousGT

Tea_Rexxy Telibboy Terriken Teterine thatfemaledragon
The88thMidnight TheEllie TheGoodLordAbove TheKasa TheNaomi
TheOGTommo The_duke64 The_KingKyle ThinkGeek_ Tialis
TickleTehPickle Timahh13 TIMISH Timmmay2011 Tinariem
Tinariem ToopsHigher Trewology tysqie Uncaged4x4
Vallkyrrie Vexatious_ vKingsGlaive Vyper_Bear WakenNBaken
WeebLord_XD Whitelisted6 WittyQuip Wolfette85 xCurlyFry
xPrinc3ssP3ach xtha xXJuicyMelonXx Xx_powpow19_xX YaBoiGoodStuff
YoloTomoki Youngbloods YourSilentEnvy Z0MB11_ ZacT94
Zandara_8 Zeldagod1352 Zuruii Zynthic zzDeathGodzz
_Achilles1 _BlueFlame_ _Mwah_ _nck991_ _scuffles

Do you have one of these ranks?

Make sure to send LceMocha a mail in-game using /mail send (name) to add your name to the Fruit Survival Hall of Fame!
