World Edit Commands
Welcome to the Creative Server how to WorldEdit - the basics edition! These WorldEdit commands are available with our Creative Member rank. They are useful for making your life simple and put an edge on whatever build you are working on! So what WorldEdit commands are available for members? Here is a short guide:
- //undo - Undo your last action.
- //wand - Gives you the "edit wand" (by default, a wooden axe). Left click with this tool to select position 1 and right click to selection position 2.
- //sel - [-d] <cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl|convex> - Choose the region shape to use for selections.
- //desel - Deselects the current selection.
- //pos1 - [x,y,z] - Set selection position #1 to the block above the one that you are standing on.
- //pos2 - [x,y,z] - Set selection position #2 to the block above the one that you are standing on.
- //set - <block> - Set all blocks inside the selection region to a specified block.
- //replace - <to-block> - Replace all non-air blocks inside the region.
- //replace - <from-block> <to-block> - Replace all blocks of the specified block(s) with another block inside the region.
- //copy - [-m] - Copies the currently selected region. Be aware that it stores your position relative to the selection when copying.
- //cut - [-m] - Cuts the currently selected region.
- //paste - [-sao] [-a] - Pastes the clipboard. If you paste with -a, air blocks are being ignored.
- //rotate - <y-axis> [x-axis] [z-axis] - Rotate the clipboard.
- //flip - [direction] - Flip the clipboard.
- /tree - [type] - Switch to the tree tool. Available types [tree, regular, big, bigtree, redwood, sequoia, tallredwood, tallsequoia, birch, white, whitebark, pine, randredwood, randomredwood, anyredwood, rand, random]